Cybersecurity tech stack refers to the various types of technology companies use to help protect their networks and data from breaches. The cybersecurity tech stack consists of various technology systems with different individual components that create an effective cybersecurity approach for your business.

The cybersecurity tech stack will contain the following:

Network Security Systems

These include hardware, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, network access control systems, and virtual private network (VPN) gateways. These systems help protect your company’s networks from outside threats such as hackers and malware.

  • Firewall- This is a hardware or software system that monitors your internal network for unauthorized activity, such as hacking attacks or inappropriate email communication. Firewalls can be an effective tool for preventing and managing insider threats.
  • Intrusion Detection Systems- Intrusion detection is a hardware, software or related technology that monitors your organization’s network for an activity that could be malicious. An intrusion detection system can help find and stop cyberattacks and prevent other types of damage.
  • VPNs- VPN stands for virtual private network, and it is software that allows you to create secure connections with remote computer networks. VPNs are especially effective for allowing you to access your company’s network from foreign countries.
  • Endpoint Security- These are the programs, software, and other technology that help you control the activity that happens on your computers. They can serve as an additional layer of protection against viruses and malware.
  • Antivirus software is a software program that detects and prevents infections on your computer system or device. For antivirus software systems to be truly effective, they must be frequently updated and have a regularly scheduled scan.
  • Email Security- These systems help prevent unauthorized access to your email system from inside and outside your company. They can also provide features such as anti-spam software that help control the amount of spam your company gets in its email system.
  • Two-Factor Authentication- This is a method of verifying your identity within the system. This process requires you to enter a six or eight-digit code from a key card or text message to log into your account securely.
  • Surveillance- Surveillance systems help companies detect identity fraud and track illegal activities, such as hacking or intellectual property theft. Surveillance technology helps prevent unauthorized access to a company’s networks and data.
  • Password Management Tools- These tools help you create strong passwords stored securely and cannot be easily compromised.