When Can Hacking Be a Useful Skill?

When Can Hacking Be a Useful Skill?

For decades hacking has been a part of computing. It’s a broad discipline that covers various topics. The first known instance of hacking was demonstrated at MIT in 1960. The term “hacker” was coined as a result of this event. Hacking aims to find...
Top Methods of Data Mining

Top Methods of Data Mining

Data miners look at large pools of information in order to produce new information. By using the term “data mining,” specialists are not extracting new data as one might infer. On the contrary, data miners look for patterns and come to new conclusions from...
Context is the Future of the Web

Context is the Future of the Web

Context has said to be the way of the future for the world wide web and the way search engines begin to work for us proactively. At this point, when you go to a search engine and start typing something in, only then does it start working for you and figuring out how...