How to Determine What Your Cyber Risk Is

How to Determine What Your Cyber Risk Is

Whether you’re a multinational corporation or an individual using a smartphone, digital threats remain ever-present and constantly evolving. Recognizing your cyber risk is the first step in building robust digital fortifications.   Understanding the Landscape of...
The Tech You’ll Need to Start a Podcast

The Tech You’ll Need to Start a Podcast

Podcasting has emerged as a powerful platform for sharing ideas, telling stories, and engaging with audiences on a global scale. Starting a podcast can be exciting if you’re a seasoned content creator or a passionate individual eager to share your expertise....
Innovations in Cybersecurity Over the Past Decade

Innovations in Cybersecurity Over the Past Decade

Cybersecurity threats have become more sophisticated and frequent in the past decade, prompting organizations to invest in innovative solutions to protect their networks and data. The cybersecurity industry has undergone significant advancements, from artificial...
Cybersecurity Risks With Giving Students Access to Computers

Cybersecurity Risks With Giving Students Access to Computers

The use of tech in education has become increasingly common. Many schools now provide students with access to computers and other digital devices to aid their learning. While this can be beneficial in many ways, it also comes with cybersecurity risks that schools must...
Security Standards Your Hospital Should Be Following

Security Standards Your Hospital Should Be Following

Hospitals store vast amounts of sensitive and personal data, making them prime targets for cyber-attacks. Healthcare data breaches can have serious consequences for patients, including identity theft, reputational damage, and financial loss. Therefore, hospitals must...
Cybersecurity Certifications to Gain This Year

Cybersecurity Certifications to Gain This Year

Due to the rise of world events, there has been a significant increase in cybersecurity incidents. This has created a demand for highly skilled individuals. According to data from, over 700,000 cybersecurity job openings in the US were from October 2021...